
Directed by
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Six drag kings embark on a moustache curling adventure to steal the Monument to Masculinity.

Joanna Vymeris is a London based director, producer, circus performer and painter. Made by a predominantly female and non-binary creative team, cast and crew, KingDom is a parody heist film to celebrate the underrepresented art of the drag king. This comic satire puts the underrepresented art of the drag king centre stage and, in a time when live performance remains complicated, gives some of the UK's finest queer cabaret artists a chance to showcase their work on screen. It captures the theatricality, comedy and artistry of the queer cabaret scene and shows, above all, the artifice and construct of traditional notions of gender especially in film and mainstream cinema genres. KingDom is supported by the Arts Council England and 150 Kickstarter backers. 

Joanna Vymeris “Drag kings are so rarely given the stage and screen time they so deserve and I very much hope that KingDom will be part of an ongoing drive in queer communities to give these incredible performers who work in such a creative and political manner, the platform they need.”



Director and Producer - Joanna Vymeris @jvymeris,

Writer - Molly Beth Morossa, @mollybethmorossa,

DOP - Cordelia Lawler @cordelialawler,

Editor - Giorgia Zarantonello @giorgiazarantonello,

Composer - Samuel Read @samuelread.composer,

Composer - Xana @xa88na,

Sound Design - Syren Studios @syrenstudiosuk,

Colour grade - Mara Ciorba @maraciorba

Production Assistant Gillian Vymeris @gillianvymeris

Production assistant Megan Ford @meganjessicaford


Moloko Jones - Molly Beth Morossa @mollybethmorossa

Barry Badass - Symoné @symoneforever

Beau Jangles - Madi Fortune @beaujanglesdrag

Frank - Ruby Gaskell @frankthedragking

Steve - Rosie Bartley @pandajuggles

Randy - Veronica Thompson @fancychances

Guard - Len Blanco @king_len_blanco

Celeste - Lilly SnatchDragon @lillysnatch