Thread Tension

Directed by
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A sweatshop, 1987. Management is desperate to dispel the mysterious phenomenon spreading amongst the seamstresses: full-body possessions.

When a failed attempt to cover-up a vulnerable coworker's fits leaves would-be agitator Maggie unemployed, she must choose between swallowing her pride or taking a stand, until she realises the mysterious phenomenon that’s been spreading through the factory floor isn’t mass hysteria—it's a strike.

The director Ruby Mastrodimos notes: 'As an artist and a feminist, I believe it's vital that stories for, about, and by working-class women are told on screen, especially when these stories are so often left out of existing political narratives. My own life has been marked by misogyny, economic exploitation, and financial instability. I’ve witnessed—and experienced first-hand—how women’s pain, our frustrations, and our voices are often written off as just being “hysterical.” When I began writing Thread Tension, I started to think about what a "rational” response to injustice even is. And when the “rational” doesn’t work, what happens when you embrace the “irrational”? Thread Tension approaches these questions with an eye toward solidarity and community.'


Ruby Mastrodimos - @_r_mastrodimos
Nizah Elias, DOP - @nizah_e
Producers - Oliver Staton @ollistat Harry Hayton-Iles
Editor - Benjamin Sivo @benjaminsivo
Production Design - Mimi Vlaovic @mimivlaovic