
Directed by
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A comedic moment of reflection on the insanity of living in fear, both real and in our heads.

Teddy is walking home at night in the empty streets of Los Angeles, senses heightened by everything on the news about… young women walking home at night. But when she’s finally home safe, she’s attacked by something truly terrifying: her own psyche.

Directed by LA-based Genevieve Aniello and written by Ellie Cooper and Genevieve Ganiello.

Genevieve sent us these thoughts: 'The Bathroom (proper noun) - a space in which most presume privacy - has always been a natural meeting point for female friends to download, reflect, and most importantly, vent. The more we talked about this universal common practice amongst our nearly all-female crew, we realized how uniquely femme it feels to feel free in an enclosed space— literally naked— and to metaphorically undress. A space where shit talking and whispering your darkest secrets feels sacred. While prepping our shoot, said crew put together a shared note where we updated our list of fears as they popped into our heads– that list is over one-hundred fears long.'


Ellie Cooper Lynch @officialellielynch
Dana Donnelly
Gavin Matts @gavinmatts
Carmen Christopher @carmenyescarmen
Tommy Do @tommy_do

Directed by: Genevieve Aniello @therealgenevievetho
Written by: @officialellielynch & @therealgenevievetho
Produced by: Ellie Cooper Lynch @officialellielynch Genevieve Aniello @therealgenevievetho Emma Silvers @emsilv Natalie Guerrero @nataliee.guerrero
Cinematographer: Seannie Bryan @seanniebryan
Editor: Ted Marsden @ teddy2rocker
Score: Henry Hall @henryhallmusic
Sound: Rob Milligan @robpmilligan
Assistant Camera: Nicole Doiron @nicoledoiron
Assistant Director: Shihan Fahim @shihanfey
Set Design & Props: Sabrina Nguyen @xui_xeo_
Title Design: TJ Lowe
Color: Ryan Uzi
Visual Effects: Joe DiNozzi
Artwork: Mayce Galoni @maycegaloni