The short animation film 舌 Tongue is inspired by director & illustrator Kaho Yoshida's experience of being an Asian immigrant woman in the western society. The opening sequence of a man talking to the female character mentions all the things that have been said to Yoshida by men in real life.
Yoshida says: 'As an immigrant who speaks with an accent, I have a very complicated relationship with my tongue. Every time I open my mouth to speak, my tongue betrays me and reveals my otherness. It keeps me from accessing certain safety and privilege people without an accent have an access to. At the same time, my tongue allows me to taste delicious food, talk to people I love, and give and receive pleasure. I think about tongues a lot and wanted to make a film about it.
Being an Asian woman in the West, I have been fetishized and objectified while my needs and desires were dismissed. As I sat across men who talked at me, often explaining things I already knew, I fantasized about pulling their tongues away.'
Kaho Yoshida @kahoanimation
Ana roman @ana.rama.sound