Amanda Bonaiuto is an animation filmmaker living and working in Los Angeles and New York. Her latest music video for artist King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard was created with pencil and paper, with the visuals perfectly representing the lyrics --
Ok, let me my trace my steps
Pour a drink, let's recap the sequence
One minute, you're swigging on a green tea
Next minute, floating on a pillow in a den
From there it gets a little hazy
Like a camera out of focus, shaking
Slow motion in the club free-falling through my seat
Hit the floor transforming
Undergoing complete metamorphous
From a moth caterpillar to a chrysalis
Spinning in a silken house like a spider spins a web
I'm a well known insect
Bonaiuto ‘I animated this music video for King Gizzard over the course of about four weeks in January/February 2021. It was an endorphin filled sprint once I had a loose concept around 'butterflies', the theme of their new record, and paired that with my own personal experiences of NYC quarantine, relationships, shadow selves, and the idea of transformation/metamorphosis. I was inspired by the strange in-between season occurring in NYC/the northeast coast at the time; people tip-toeing along sidewalks excited about springtime but still pandemic weary, flowers blooming with frosty leaves, translucent frogs coming out of the mud a little too soon. I created a very loose storyboard with some key ideas and then created new shots everyday, placing them into my timeline and seeing how they might fit in. The result of this process is a bit abstract but also feels similarly poetic to the feelings of confusion and new beginnings I was having at the time of production.’