Laura Jayne Hodkin is an animator and filmmaker based in London. Her animation for the podcast duo Haley and Joanna depicts an essentially mundane conversation between friends, but Laura’s ability to comedically spotlight moments creates a weird but altogether relatable short that pokes fun at and celebrates female friendship.
The idea initially began as a 2 week lip sync workshop at the RCA where I had taken a snippet of the girls conversation and animated to it. I had a lot of fun making this, so I asked the girls if I could use more of their audio to make a much longer piece. The audio is from the podcast ‘Friday Night In’ and it’s produced by real life friends Haley Blais and Joanna Spicer in which they talk about boys, dating, work and life in general. These girls are hilarious and so relatable, I just love the way they talk to each other in such an openly comfortable way because it reminds me of my own friendships.
The film is simply two girls chatting about random shit. I’m aware of how basically mundane the conversation actually is, but the way they talk to each other is so endearing that I wanted to show how comfortable these girls are together in their own spaces.