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LACRIMONY performs the potency of female corporeality through ecstatic ritual.

LACRIMONY performs the potency of female corporeality through ecstatic ritual. Tracing the archetype of the Witch, with her understanding of herbal medicine, fertility and the body, LACRIMONY imagines a gestational rite and honours the significance of ceremonial ritual during transitions of the body. Like the witch, the characters in the film operate within duality (good/bad) - their intentions remain veiled as their movements unfold within the earthy space.

Director Jesse May Fisher says: 'LACRIMONY responds to a personal history (a matrilineal mythology) - a story of my great-grandmother’s mental illness and institutionalisation in the 1950s after child birth. Back then, postpartum depression was sometimes called milk fever - it was thought that the breast milk went bad, fevered the brain and caused madness in the mother. Milk fever’s truth is unsettled and obscure. Passed down on the tongue of my grandmother it exists as an oral history and is therefore aligned with folkloric modes of knowledge.'



Director Jesse May Fisher @jessemayfisher @agilefilms
Producer Abbey Valentina @abbey_valentina
Production Assistant Lara Darke @lara_darke
AD Elsa Grace @_elsa.grace_

DOP Samira Oberberg @samiraoberberg
Focus Puller Irys Steel @cinesteel
Loader Rebecca Doctor @rebeccadoctor
Gaffer Atikah Zainidi @atikah___zzz
Spark Joe Morgan Hunt @joemorganhunt
Sound Recordist Alessandra Fasto @gongirlz

Production Designer Ellen Amann Johns @ellen_works
Art Director Nancy Brown @_nlbrown_
Prosthetics Sophie Gia @sophiegiamoore
Prosthetics Assistant Bozina Calite @__.bozena.__
MUA Georgia Hope @georgiahopemakeup
MUA Assistant Lizzie Checkley @lizziecheckley
Hair Stylist Hiroko Matsuo @hirokomatsuohair
Costume Designer Sophie Daniel @sophiedaniel
Costume Assistant Dora Mois @dora.mois
Costume Assistant Georgia Herman @georgiacostume

Movement Director Hannah Mason @hannah_mason_______

Zoe Que
Hannah Mason @hannah_mason_______
Lara McGrath @thegoatdancer
Rieko Whitfield @riekowhitfield
Izzy Gzowski @izzygzowski

Composer ELDR (Marina Elderton) @eldrofficial
Sound Designer Delia Ra @delia__ra
Editor Amy Dang @amyydone
Colourist Sharon Chung @ikohchung

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this happen, especially Procam, Mong Ta and Spike Adams.