Continuity of Parks

Directed by
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Deprived of their familiar context, the heroes of ancient Greek myths find themselves in a Moscow park.

Hecate lost Cerberus in Moscow's 850th Anniversary Park. Ariadne's thread turned into a hose for watering lawns. Nymphs forgot about Aphrodite. Styx narrowed to a tributary of the Moscow River. Moiraes gossip during a picnic. Minotaur is kissing with his beloved, forgetting about the labyrinth. As if from Olympus, we are watching the heroes of ancient Greek myths in a Moscow park.

Moscow-based director Zhenia Kanzankina says: Gods and Heroes are no longer at the center of the Universe — they are only part of a common plan, a body among other bodies. Their "heroism" has disappeared, now they are just passers-by, behind whom we stopped to watch. I am interested in “converting” a classic narrative, looking at myth not through the eyes of a hero, but from somewhere “from outside”.


written and directed by Zhenia Kazankina @zhenia.kazankina

director of photography Luda Kuropiatnikova @luduch

production designer Alyona Nebroeva @nebro.a

costume designer Goar Igityan @goar_igitian

sound designer Pasha Ambarnov @paulapollomusic

Tanya Skaredneva (Hecate) @tanya_skaredneva

Vasiliy Mikhaylov (Minotaur) @zarathusthra

Polina Povtar (Minotaur's victim) @polinapovtar

Vanda Konisevich (Nymph) @konisevich

Nastya Veselkina (Nymph) @veselkina_na

Tasya Tikhonova (Nymph) @tasyatih

Alisa Selnikova (Nymph) @alisaselnikova

Madlen Dzhabrailova (Moirae) @mad1912

Liliya Egorova (Moirae)

Maria Nguen (Moirae) @marynguen

Dasha Mureeva (Aphrodite) @murkinad

Robert Sarukhanyan (Theseus) @robert.sarukhanyan

Natalie Kate Pangilinan (Ariadne) @nataliekatepangilinan