A fully grown new born woman is birthed into a hazy summer’s garden. A rose daemon is hiding in the bushes. It takes her hand and together they wander into an ominous bodily building.This is the mind's eye of London born, Argentinian raised animator Kitty Faingold.
Faingold <<Like galaxies around the multi-verse, the ideas behind this film
whirl around different understandings of consciousness. We shall brush
up against philosophical notions of subjectivity, the reality of individual
experience, the nature of consciousness and the psyche
as we follow the hapless adventure of our anonymous heroine. Set
in a dreamscape, there are allusions to surrealism and magical realism
within the art world too. There is no concrete answer, message
or morale being preached in this piece: as the author I would
like to allow an openness so that the audience can project onto it
whatever meaning they may find, although I would like for the
story to nudge them in the general direction of “hmmm.. what is
consciousness?”. As a plan B, I would like for them to simply enjoy
the visual journey, with a pinch of humour and an attempt at
existentialist psychological horror.>>