Ferri Caicedo

Ferri Caicedo was born in Ambato (Ecuador) on November 15, 1990. After finishing high school, she moved to the capital to study photographic design at the Metropolitan Institute of Design in Quito. Her photographic work in Ecuador led her to carry out documentary photography projects and experimental portraits, focusing on the exploration of archetypes, myths and the Andean collective imagination.
In 2016 she moved to Germany to study multimedia art and design at Bauhaus University Weimar. Her projects are based on the exploration of personal myths, their intuitive exploration and collective transcendence. For this she investigates the interaction between concept, material, light, movement and sound. One of her specialties is stop-motion animation. She finished her studies in 2022 with her final project, the short film “Testigo del Viento”. For this short film she received the Media Art Award of the Bauhaus University as well as 8 Awards and 6 honorable mentions at short film and animation festivals around the world.
From the perspective of animation art, Ferri Caicedo explores human sensibility and collective symbolic communication through materiality and its representation through movement.

Videos by
Ferri Caicedo