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Cleansing the male gaze.

A ritualistic scene is set. Perhaps a horror scene, or maybe a cleansing of what was horror before. Montreal based Filmmaker Mailis explores the depths of the feminine in the eye of man. Moody, visuals that travel distance over nature juxtaposed with a candle lit sorcery and faceless figures in masks this music video is the undercurrent of what many women feel (and have felt for generations) but have become so accustomed to and 'disassociated' from: objectification.

Mailis 'When listening to Apacalda's song for the first time I knew right away that I needed to put images on it. It felt like a calling, not even a choice. Addressing women issues is so deeply rooted in me that everything in this video feels so natural. I wanted to explore the blur that can be created in our head when we are too often confronted with these situations and when it plays with our own mind.'


DIRECTOR - @mailis.r.l

ARTIST - @_apacalda

DOP - @thomasfontaine.dp

ART + STYLING - @monicalewinskie

ASSISTANT - @sanchace


PHOTOGRAPHER - @dahlia.bertoldi