Souki Mehdaoui

Souki Mehdaoui is a director, writer, and cinematographer based in Denver, CO. Her work can be seen on Netflix, HBO, New York Times, Yahoo, Refinery29, TED, Art21, the Sundance-premiering documentaries “The Great Hack” and “Mucho Mucho Amor,” and in collaboration with award-winning directors around the world. Raised in Morocco, France, and a smattering of states across America, her work comes from a third culture— a few steps to the left, lots of accents, and a pot of spices on the back burner. As a writer and director, she finds hope in dark corners. As a cinematographer, she explores the moving image as an entry-point into what’s overlooked. As a human, she strives to enjoy every kind of skittle. She loves working with ethically-minded news organizations, foundations, nonprofits, composers, choreographers, and artists in all disciplines to craft meaningful films. If you want to collaborate, all you have to do is ask.

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Souki Mehdaoui