Melanie Cura Daball

Melanie Cura Daball (she/her) is a London-based film director and creative producer. She's naturally drawn to character-driven, emotionally compelling stories spanning factual and drama work.With seven years of visual storytelling experience, her work consistently challenges contemporary prejudices and injustices while informing and entertaining audiences. Past clients including The Guardian, CNN, Arts Council England, WeTransfer, Deutsche Welle News, The British Museum etc.After completing her BA at UCL in International Relations and Masters at LSE in Conflict Studies, specialising in gender studies and conflict-related sexual violence, she pursued personal and commissioned stories across Europe, East Africa, India and the US.She gathered experience at The Guardian, with Christiane Amanpour at CNN and worked for Deutsche Welle (DW) from 2016 - 2020, Germany’s largest international broadcaster.During her 5 years in working professionally in TV journalism, as a correspondentand later East Africa bureau chief based in Nairobi for DW, she’s worked in high- pressured, hostile or quickly changing environments with vulnerable populations.Past documentary work has seen her cover post-election violence in Zimbabwe in2018, the 2019 revolution in Sudan, extrajudicial killings in Kenya or the . rehabilitation of al-Shabaab in Somalia.Beyond this, she’s proven experience in producing branded films, music promos and short-form content spanning culture, art, womens’ stories, the environment, music and specialist factual for clients including the Arts Council England and WeTransfer.

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Melanie Cura Daball