Holly Jack

Holly Jack is an actor/director based just outside Glasgow. She has fourteen years experience working in the industry as an actor, on shows such as Waterloo Road, Burnistoun and playing long running, bad girl Nicole, on BBC Studios River City. Working with many different directors over the years, has informed her own directing style. Holly recently self-funded her debut short film Safe Home, produced by Smashing Pictures. It is currently enjoying a successful festival run, having screened at prestigious festivals such as Dinard and Edinburgh Short Film Festival and will have its US Premier at Poppy Jasper in the spring. Holly is soon to be shadowing on an extremely exciting, big budget production, shooting in Scotland, as part of the Screen Nets scheme and is gearing up to direct her first episode of television for BBC Studios. Holly has also had success as a producer with short film All Up There, screening at the Houses of Parliament, as part of the endometriosis parliamentary campaign and being nominated for the Young Film Makers Prize at GSF.

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Holly Jack